
5 Top things you should do everyday!

Aloha and ekomomai to my lovely website followers

As a World Champion I often get the question “Do you have a certain ritual during your day in order to be positive, productive and successful?”. “Yes I do” and it’s definitely not a set magic formula but I truly believe that it’s going to support and help you to a maximum if you want to follow it. It served me amazingly and I am happy to share my secrets with you, so here are my top recommendations:

  1. Wake up with a positive thought and use 5 powerful morning affirmations like “I choose love”, “I trust life”, “I am beautiful and strong”, “I am greatful”, “I am prepared to succeed”.
  2. Start and end your day with a hot cup of tea. My favourite is Green tea, it has a lot of health benefits. It increases the metabolism and helps for weight loss, improves skincare, has a positive impact on blood pressure and supports digestion significantly.
  3. Focus on plant based nutrition. This is actually one of my most important lifestyle pointers and I am always recommending it to my clients. This topic will definitely get a separate post, supported by evidence based studies, so watch out my dear followers and be ready for a loving health attack from me.
  4. Block at least 1-2 hours a day for relaxation or time outs. Enjoy your coffee, have a short powernap or meet your favorite human. Those little time outs help us to free our mind and balance our thoughts.
  5. Exercise everyday for 40-60 minutes!!! Schedule it, put it in your calendar and hold on your own gym appointment. Work towards your “health insurance” by moving enough and don’t let yourself go.

Of course there are many more details I am incorporating in my day, but the ones I mentioned above are the biggest and basic ones. If you are interested in more information and hints, please feel free to contact my Golden Future Team. We will be happy to get back to you and answer all your questions.

Mahalo for your attention!

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